twenty two Shaw House (Inn Churches)
Areas served
Key details
Referrals | Referral type | Access |
Via referral agency Self-referral | Membership | Collection |
Getting food
twenty two Shaw House is a social supermarket, which stocks a selection of fresh, tinned, dried and ambient products, plus toiletries, cleaning and household products, just like a corner shop.
Membership costs £6 per week and allows members to take home fifteen items of produce every week, plus other benefits including savings in a Credit Union savings account and access to advice drop-in sessions, discounts and cookery classes.
Referral is by voucher, issued by one of Inn Churches’ referral agencies (In Communities, Neesie, Social Services). Individuals can also self-refer on or 01274 270770.
Collection (with membership card) is from:
twenty two Shaw House 22 Rawson Road Bradford BD1 3SQ |
Wednesdays 10:00-12:00 |
Delivery is not available.
Making referrals
Organisations wishing to make a referral should register with Inn Churches on 07519 643925 or
Donating food
Food can be donated at either of Inn Churches’ venues during opening hours.
twenty two Shaw House 22 Rawson Road Bradford BD1 3SQ | The Storehouse 116 Caledonia Street Bradford BD4 7BQ |
Wednesdays 10:00-12:00 Other times by appointment | Mon-Thu, 09:00-15:30 Fri, 09:00-12:30 |
Inn Churches has numerous opportunities to volunteer.
Approximate coverage
Coverage maps are based on postcode areas and therefore boundaries may be approximate. Most projects are inclined to be generous, but if in doubt please check with them.